Our mission is to help Florida organizations meet their sustainability goals

and find the right path towards carbon neutrality


We aim to support Florida greenhouse gas reduction projects


We only source independently certified emissions credits

Re-imagine your Carbon footprint

How it works

We help you through each step of the process


Determine your environmental impact.


Create a sustainability plan.


Take steps to lessen your carbon footprint.


Purchase environmental credits to offset your footprint.

Show your Commitment

Let your stakeholders know you care.

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Impact your environment

Enable Your Business or Event

Let us help you find the right balance of environmental products

Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsets help fund projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gases.

Example Projects:
  • Reforestation
  • Methane capture at landfills
  • Farmers planting cover-crops
Offset Your Footprint: For each ton of CO2 you emit, purchase an equivalent offset from certified projects, thereby balancing out your carbon footprint.

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

One REC certifies that one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from a renewable source and fed into the grid.

Why Buy RECs?
RECs allow for the accounting and tracking of where renewable energy is used on the grid. They allow you to purchase renewable energy through your existing power lines without hooking up to a renewable energy source directly.

Certification and Branding

We will guide you through the process of securing certified green icons for use in your products and marketing materials

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Protect what really matters

Interested in learning more about how your organization can meet its sustainability targets?

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